Consumers are encouraged to develop skills to become effective advocates for themselves and for issues of local and national interest within the disability community.

We also serve as advocates for issues such as nursing home transition, affordable and accessible housing, work incentive legislation, sidewalk curb cuts, and disability awareness.


Transportation remains a major obstacle to employment and participation in the community for people with disabilities. At AIN, we advocate for transportation access for people with disabilities including:

  • Removal of physical, structural, communication and environmental barriers
  • Building of curb cuts from sidewalks to streets
  • Inclusion of accessible rail systems
  • Transportation services for people who areas served by neither urban or rural transit

With this in mind, we work with our clients and their communities to help find accessible transportation as well as identify potential obstacles and advocate for better opportunities. 


Living in the community is essential for independence for people with disabilities, and finding accessible, affordable housing is key.

Often low income levels exclude people from access to mortgage loans or they may find rental payments unaffordable. When people with disabilities do own or rent homes, the cost or modifications to make them fully accessible and usable can be too great to manage. 

We work with individuals and communities to help meet the housing needs of people with disabilities including:

  • Enforcement of existing fair housing and civil rights laws
  • Development of initiatives to ensure affordability of housing and promotion of universal and accessible design
  • Helping to secure affordable accessible housing 

Health Care

People with disabilities identify the lack of access to adequate health care and health insurance as a major obstacle to employment and independent living. 

All people are at risk of developing a disability from accidents, injury, illness or from the aging process. However, people are generally regarded by insurance companies as high risk, in terms of health care costs, when they become disabled or older or have a family history of disability. 

People with disabilities are more likely to receive health care through public sector programs than people without disabilities. Like people who are elderly, people with disabilities generally utilize more health care services than people without disabilities. People with disabilities continue to face discrimination in obtaining health insurance and health care services.

We help individuals with disabilities navigate the complex health care system and find coverage plans to best meet their needs. 

Long-Term Care & Personal Assistance Services 

Long-term services include personal assistance services to help people with activities of daily living. This may include:

  • Readers for individuals who are blind 
  • Interpreters for people who are deaf
  • Assistive technology support
  • Supported employment services

Many people continue to live away from their families and communities in institutions and nursing homes because the community-based long-term services they need are not available to them.

We advocate for and provide services to individuals with disabilities that are in need of community-based long-term care services.

Contact us about available services today!
